The Catalonia Collaboration is an open initiative in continuous construction and in addition to the two promoting entities, it is supported by the work of various institutions and people from all over the country that we call "collaborators".
The dynamic team is made up of the people who promote and manage the project from the Digital Society Technologies area of the i2CAT Foundation.
It has the collaboration of a group of experts in different topics that make up the Motor Group and who help the dynamic group to offer a strategic vision and offer their vision in various consultations that the dynamic team makes periodically as well as to promote the Catalonia Laboratory.
These three working groups make up the Community to which we invite you to join!
EU Col·laboratory for Health and Well-being. Interconneting 4 Helix Innovation Ecosystems in European Regions
About this assembly
Focused on a challenge-driven promotion of healthy living, INTEGER brings forward three important innovations for the development of more robust, sustainable, inclusive and integrative EU innovation ecosystems:
The INTEGER 4 Helix Collaboratory model
An EU Healthy Living Collaboratory digital space
A new professional profile, the 'collaber' or 'collaboratory manager'.
Please complete THIS FORM to support our INTEGER document ToR - Terms of reference - already signed by various EU organizations, some of them reflected in the document